Equipment, Tips, Techniques

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There doesn’t appear to be a way to have a discussion area, in addition to the video blog.

We will be sharing tips, techniques & equipment recommendations that might help Tell Great Stories with Video on this page.

If you have any, please send us an email at or the contact form & they will be posted here.

We will also be working on an instructional video series to show how best to create, edit and upload great videos with different types of cameras (smartphones, DSLRs), lighting, sound equipment and perhaps other things too.

Some Good/Great things to keep in mind when taking video with any type of camera,  attempt to have:

1. Good Lighting – natural light is the best. As close to daylight as possible but not in direct sunlight. This might be cloud cover or in a shady spot (but not too shady/dark). It might be an office with windows. Try to avoid fluorescent & incandescent lights. Professional lighting that uses 5500k bulbs inside softboxes are also a great idea.

2. Good Sound – Avoid excess noise and try to keep the microphone/ camera relatively close to the subject.

3. Stable Image – Use stabilization whenever possible; this might be a tripod, selfie stick, leaning the camera against something on a table or an actual stabilizer. Do the best you can but handheld videos are not pleasant to watch.

This is all for now but video tutorials are in the works…

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